miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020

SHAPES are everywhere 2º PRIMARIA

 2nd PRIMARY Wednesday 6 of May 


😁Hi everyone, good afternoon.😁

Today I want to talk about shapes.

🙋Do you know any shapes in English?🙋

Here is a song about the 4 BASIC SHAPES to help us all remember!


Can you think of some household objects that represent these shapes?
(Puedes mirar por tu casa y encontrar esas formas?)

🙉Take a look around your room and find something!🙉
(Mira por tu cuarto y encuentra unas formas!)

For example: I see a book! It is a RECTANGLE.

I see a clock! It is a CIRCLE.

How did that go? If you found a few shapes, maybe now it is time to play a game. Here is a memory game to help you practice the names and shapes.
(Como fue encontrando las formas, encontraste algunas? Pues ahora podemos jugar un juego de memoria para practicar los nombres de las formas)


Have fun practicing your shapes, let me know how well you do in the memory game! Maybe comment below some of the shapes you were able to find in your house.😎
(Divierte con la practica de las formas, dime en lost comentarios si te gusta el juego. También me puedes decir cuales formas encontraste en tu casa!)😎

Until next time,

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